Commenting Terms and Conditions
New World Gaming Limited (“we” or “us”) allow users (“you”) of our Website to post comments on various sections of, any mobile version of this website (the Website), or any app relating to the Website (each an App) (the Website). If you post any material to the Website or an App, these Commenting Terms and Conditions will apply, in addition to our general website Terms and Conditions.
We reserve the right to remove any posts we deem to be inappropriate. Anyone in breach of these Commenting Terms and Conditions may risk having their account suspended or closed.
1.General Restrictions
"Comments" include forum posts, wall posts, news comments, form guide comments, tipping comments, private comments, status updates and comments made to any page throughout the Website or an App. Each Comment you post must adhere to these Commenting Terms and Conditions.
Users agree not to post any item that:
a. States or suggests that you may have tips for sale or that you have purchased tips.b. Without limiting clause 1(a) above, is any form of advertising (including affiliate programs), promotional material, method of soliciting goods or services, or otherwise constitutes engaging in trade or commerce or any other form of commercial activity.c. You know or suspect (or ought reasonably to have known or suspected to be) is false, deceptive or contains misleading statements or any statement seeking to unfairly manipulate a market.d. May constitute spam or contains a link to any other website address.e. Without limiting clause 1(b), promotes the services of a competitor of the Website.f. Is defamatory.g. Is abusive, hateful, racist, bigoted, antisocial, sexist, harassing, threatening, inflammatory, offensive, knowingly false, vulgar, obscene, sexually-oriented, profane, is discriminatory or likely to insult others based on religion, age, sexual orientation or any physical or mental disability or is otherwise in violation of any applicable law, rule or regulation or, in our view, offensive or contrary to generally acceptable conduct.h. Includes personal attacks of any kind.i. Contains the personal information of another person, such as their email address, phone number and residential address, unless you have this person’s prior consent.j. Is in a language other than English.k. Is the intellectual property of third party, unless you have the consent of this party to post it to the Website or an App.l. Is or may amount to collusion or activities of a suspicious or criminal nature or otherwise contrary to the rules or integrity of the relevant event or sport.m. Is a post which is related to or leads to the transmission of any software or computer files that contain a virus, worm or other disruptive or harmful component.
2. Additional Restrictions
If you post Comments on the forum you must adhere to the following additional rules. Users agree not to post any item that:
a. Is a site complaint or enquiry or query needing a response by the Website. Please contact us via to discuss these matters and see our general website Terms and Conditions for further information relating to complaints or enquiry procedures:b. Is in relation to a private tipping competition or club; orc. Is not relevant to the forum category or discussion.
3. Liability
The Liability section of the general Terms and Conditions applies to any Comment you post to the Website/Apps and to any Comment you read on the Website.